Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Kou Tea

Tea is one of the most popular drinks for losing weight. There are many types of teas available in the market which helps in weight loss. The most popular being Green tea and the lesser ones known as White Tea, Oolong and Pu-erh.

Green Tea and Oolong tea helps in losing weight to an average of 3.5 pounds in 15-18 weeks of time. You will have to take one of these teas for a longer period of time and at least 3-5 cups per day. The other teas like white and Pu-erh Tea are not that effective as Green and Oolong Teas.

As long as your goal of 10-12 pounds weight loss is concerned than Green tea/Oolong Tea are OK, but what if your goal is losing weight up to 20-25 pounds in a shorter time? Then these teas won’t help and here you would need a special tea which can help you with this.

This tea known as Kou Tea is a specialized tea developed for more weight loss and it contains the blend of  four different teas as mentioned below:

Green Tea: This tea increases fat burning as well as metabolism.
Oolong Tea: Apart from fat burning this tea lowers blood sugar as well as high blood pressure levels.
White tea: It increases fat burning thereby decreasing fat storage and protects from heart diseases. It also rich in antioxidant.
Pu-erh Tea: It reduces cholesterol and food carvings.

Lose weight by drinking this Kou Tea and get amazing results but herein you will have to follow a diet plan which comes along with this program along with it. The combination of four weight loss teas will give you a unique and lovable taste as compared to other weight loss teas.  Kou Tea is manufactured and supplied by a leading & trusted company in weight loss known as RDK Global Company.

Why take this Tea?
Prices are less and do not cost a fortune.
You don’t have to stop eating all your favorite foods.
You do not have to spend hours on Gym.

Nutrients found in Kou Tea:
1. Rich Minerals like Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorous and Manganese.
2. Vitamins A, B1, C, E, P, and folic acid.
3. Detoxifying Alkaloids including thene, Theobromine and Theophylline.
4. Supercharged amino acid Thiamine.

These are the nutrition which our body needs and have been proved to benefit our overall health. They also work as an anti-carcinogen and fight off free radicals found within the cell that could lead to the development of cancer.

Easy to use as there are no complicated instructions.
No side effects.
Safe and all natural.

Not available in the market. You have to buy online.

What comes with your order?
Each Box contains 60 pouches of tea. You have to take two once in the morning and another in the evening. Plus you will get a diet book which you have to follow to get the results.

Cost: One box costs 34.95$. But if you order more than you will get benefit in pricing.

 Click Here

Monday, April 22, 2019

Red Tea For Weight Loss

Red Tea For Weight Lose

Does Red Tea help in weight loss? Let us take a look as to how it helps:

What is Detox and do we really need to do it? Detoxification is the removal of toxins from our system which we add when we drink water, eat poor food and breathe polluted air. Our body itself takes care of removing these toxins with the help of the liver. So Is it necessary that we should do it? Yes, why not as it will give our liver a small help all along the way.

How does detoxification help in weight loss? Detoxifications mean the removal of toxins from the body which blocks you from losing the weight. Scientifically toxin causes inflammation leading to leptin resistance which helps in maintaining the excess weight. So in this way the detox helps.
There are many detox drinks available in the market. But the one which we are talking is Red Tea detox programme and herein we are giving the full honest review of the programme which is created by Liz Swann Miller, who is a naturopath and best selling author on Amazon.

Red Tea Detox Programme Review:
This programme is simple which helps people in losing weight and improve health in general.  This the programme was founded after 10 years of research comprising of 500 medical studies and 3 yrs real testing. When used as per the instruction a person can lose 14 pounds in 14 days.

The tea comprises of 5 ingredients which are easily available in all groceries stores. The main ingredient found in is Rooibos which has an antioxidant recipe known as Aspalathin. 

Aspalathin  functions the following :
  1. It reduces stress hormones responsible for hunger and improves mood.
  2. It balances blood sugar levels and insulins by boosting glucose intake.
  3. It reduces cholesterol in the body by slowing down new fat cells.
  4. It protects the liver from damages.
What Red Tea Detox programme contains:
  •        Ingredients and how to prepare the Tea. These ingredients are cheap and easily available in grocery stores.
  •        The healthy eating plan divided into four stages. The aim is to aid in the acceleration of our metabolic rate and reduce taking toxins.
  •        A physical fitness guide. This guide contains a wide range of workouts required to burn excess fats. This along with the diet plan given above will help and ensure the expected weight loss results. These workouts can be done easily in a home without the use of special equipment.
  •        The will power, mindset and motivation booklet. This booklet focuses on the determination and discipline required for a weight loss programme.

Benefits of Red Tea:
  • Improves Body Hydration level.
  • It has a good taste unlike other weight loss tea like green tea etc.
  • It improves digestion.
  • It is easy to prepare.
  • It helps in detoxification.
  • It helps in burning excessive fats as it minimizes your cravings.

  • You can consume a lot of food as long as you are on a balanced diet and still lose weight with this Red Tea detox.
  • Simple and easy to understand.
  • It has natural ingredients hence no effects on the body.
  • It is a Money Back Scheme. If the product fails after two months you can return back without any monetary loss.
  • The tea can be used by anyone and no need to worry about your health even if you are a vegetarian.
  • The programme is motivating and one would feel change as soon as you start taking the tea.


  • It is available online only.
  • It requires a lot of consistency and commitment as you have to adhere to the programme in order to achieve the goal.

If you are looking to cleanse your body and lose weight then this programme will surely help. You will also feel better when you go through this programme. Further, this is a one-time purchase that you can keep going back to it whenever you need to. There are many types of detox teas, detox patches, etc. which would put more weight on your wallet, hence this product taking in view of its advantages and price is worth trying. You would experience a better feel and would look amazing once you start this programme.

 Click here

Thursday, April 18, 2019



Are you worried about your weight? Next time when you eat, pay attention to what you eat which would help you in not overeating. There is a proverb saying that when you are walking, walk and when eating, eat. But in this modern society, we have the habit of doing multitask like when eating we check our cell phone or watch TV, etc.  How does this affect our health?  Our food intake increases if we fail to focus on what we are eating while multitasking.

A study carried out by a team from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom have concluded the above point that attention and memory affect food intake. These studies were carried out on two groups in which one group eat a meal while watching TV whereas the other ate the same meal without watching TV.

The study concluded the following points:
Not paying attention while eating the meal made the people eat more.
Paying attention while eating meal lead to eating less later on.

Focusing on eating without getting distracted is called mindful eating. Now the question which arises is it good to be cut off from everyone and everything around us? And how does it affect our weight? For this, we have to know the concepts of mindful eating and distracted eating.

Mindful Eating:

What is mindfulness? It is an awareness of what is happening within and around you at the moment. So this moment can be anything in your life and that includes eating also. So mindful eating means awareness of bodily sensations as you eat. This includes noticing the colors, smells, flavors and food texture. And as studies show this leads to that could result in weight loss.

Now, where does this distraction comes in? Research show that eating while distracted increases food intake, but the reality is that eating without distraction is impractical. Like while working you have to take food at your desk or when you eat with others it would be difficult to shun out of conversations.
Based on this a new study was conducted and published in journal Appetite in 2103. This study found that there are two types of distractions one distraction from hunger and other is a distraction from eating. Four groups were created which included people to eat while doing work, watching television, talking to a researcher and eating alone.

The first group were so distracted from hunger and eating that they ate a small amount whereas the one watching TV were distracted from hunger and not eating but they eat a large amount of food. Those talking with the researchers were distracted from eating but were aware of their hunger leading to eating less because they found themselves in an awkward position while eating in front of strangers. Eating alone resulted in giving attention to both hunger and eating which is termed as mindful eating.

It is impractical to say that eating completely without distraction is possible. Hence given below are some tips to give attention to both hunger and eating and still enjoy a book or dine with others:

1. When you desire to eat, ask yourself whether you are really hungry or whether you want to eat for some reason. These reasons can be boredom, feelings, thoughts, environmental cues or procrastination. 
2. Start noticing hunger sensations before and during meals & snacks. Also, notice how these sensations changes during the progress of the meal.
3. Know which meals would be good to start for practicing mindfulness. Before starting the meal take few breaths and also notice the smell and look of the food. eat few bits first and notice the flavor, texture and other sensations.
4. While eating food turn your attention from your book, friend or cellphone and back to your food. Enjoy the food and when this enjoyment starts to fade stop eating.
5. And if you know that you would be distracted, pre-portion your food.
6. Now if you find difficult to eat without distraction, find a distraction which is less intimidating and turn over to it. For eg, if you are eating before television and find difficult to eat then turn yourself to the window and enjoy the scene outside and eat.
7. Note your hunger 5-10 minutes after eating and for the next few hours.

Please note that there is research that mindful eating may lead to weight loss but will depend upon person to person and the circumstances. This article is based on the research as noted above.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Eating chocolates can help you lose weight

Are you a chocolate lover? Cannot give up eating it? Weary of thinking that you would gain weight? Here is the good news that eating chocolates would help you lose extra weight. Yes, it is true.

Eating chocolates can lose weight
Eating chocolates can lose weight

But the chocolate which we are talking about is not milk chocolates but dark chocolates. Now one would want to know the difference and how dark chocolates help us in reducing weight.
Both the milk and dark chocolates contain cocoa content. The milk chocolates have cocoa content solids up to 10% which are diluted by milk and given a sweet taste as cocoa is bitter in taste. The dark chocolates don’t have milk in it but the cocoa content is more than 20%. The dark chocolates which have cocoa content more than 70% are the ones which help in losing weight.

Dark chocolates of good quality have antioxidant epicatechin which helps in increasing the rate at which the fat in the body is burnt and also helps in suppressing the appetite. These two are the main factors which are needed in reducing weight. The cocoa present in the dark chocolates has a high level of an alkaloid called Theobromine which increases the energy and muscle stimulation and reduces the blood pressure by widening the blood vessels. Some researchers have also found that cocoa contains a compound which helps in producing mood-altering brain chemicals thereby decreasing the depression risk.

How many intakes one should take of chocolates to lose weight?

You should eat at least 40grams of dark chocolates containing 70% above of cocoa content for eight weeks. It should not be consumed in one sitting but rather spread it out over the whole day.


Increased level in energy.

Reduced cravings for sweet products.

Less desire to take snacks between meals.

Mood will be good and will feel well.

Weight loss of up to 20 pounds.

Improved blood pressure.

Also Read: How drinking coffee helps in your workouts?

Note: This article is based on the studies carried out by the National Institute of Health; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; and the UC San Diego General Clinical Research Center.

Friday, April 5, 2019


Drinking coffee improve your work out

A good old cup of coffee in the morning not only boost up with energy but also enhance the workout effects, improve performance and delays fatigue. This is the reason why many workout supplements have caffeine as an ingredient, which is a substance monitored by the International Olympic Committee. Every system in our body is affected by Caffeine but its impact on our mood, alertness, exercise performance and metabolism are due to some interactions. Apart from Energy drinks, caffeine is received from coffee or some special gels or chewing gum. So does drinking coffee before doing workouts really make a difference?  Here’s how Caffeine works:

      Fats are broken down from fat tissues.

On an average of 11-15% caffeine improves physical performance and so also increases hormone epinephrine blood levels. Thus Epinephrine hormone travels to the fat tissues through blood and breaks down the fats into fatty acid in the blood which in turn is used as a fuel. So more the fuel stronger and a longer workout.

          Muscle pain is delayed.

Recent studies have shown that taking caffeine before weight training exercises increase the amount of weight lifted and so also the reps. The reason behind this is that caffeine has the ability to blunt the muscle pain so that they don’t get fatigued as fast as resistance training.

      Energy and mood are improved.

Caffeine boosts up the firing of neurons and thus neurotransmitters are released including dopamine and norepinephrine. This in turn effect brain functions like memory, mood, energy levels and reaction times. This in turns pumps us to do a good workout as it brightens our mood and energy level.

      More burned Calories.

This doesn’t affect the workouts but is in hand glove with the workout. It burns more calories during the workout. A study published in the magazine International Journal of Sport Nutrition shows that the caffeine is taken before works out burns 15% more calories than not taken.

      Metabolism Increases.

Caffeine burns body calories even when you are not exercising as per a study. That means while resting it also burns calories and that too a percent of 3-11%. But this effect is nor for all persons. The effect of fat burning leans person is high as 29% whereas in Obese it is 10%. Also, this effect diminishes with age.

So what does this all means? How much coffee or rather caffeine you should take. Remember overdosing will lead to problems like inability to focus, insomnia, irritability, gastrointestinal  unrest.  Hence these may have an effect on your workouts.

How much should you intake?

3-9 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight is required to enhance our workouts. In plain terms, a 6-ounce cup of coffee contains 60-180 mg of caffeine. And a 1.5ounce of espresso contains 60-70mg of caffeine. Now calculate your intake. If the body weight is said 50kg then the required caffeine is around 150-450mg caffeine, hence around 12-14 ounce of coffee.

When to take? Intake of caffeine?

You should take 1 hour before your workout.

So, then give out a try …………

The Red Tea Detox