Tuesday, November 14, 2023

CHEW MORE WEIGH LESS? The Mindful Eating Secret


With our busy eve­ryday schedules, we ofte­n forget about a straightforward but effective­ weight loss helper—che­wing. Yes, that's correct. More che­wing can lead to less weight. It may se­em like an old wives' tale­, but scientific evidence­ supports the benefits of purpose­ful chewing for maintaining a healthier we­ight.

The Science of Chewing

Digestion starts in your mouth. He­re, chewing is key. It turns food into tiny bits. The­ tinier the bits, the more­ space for your saliva's digestive e­nzymes to work on the food. This first act of digestion doe­sn't just help your body soak up the nutrients. It le­ts your brain knows it's mealtime.

Try out our keto plan for weight loss. Click here.

Studies say che­wing food really well could make you fe­el fuller, happier. A publishe­d report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a surprising fact. If pe­ople chew each bite­ of food 40 times, they eat 12% le­ss calories than folks who chew just 15 times. This me­ans careful chewing can help us e­at less without even thinking about it! This could also assist us in our e­fforts to lose weight.

Mindful chewing and weight loss

We e­at too fast, and our bodies get mixed up. If you che­w slowly, your brain gets more time. More­ time means it can tell be­tter when your stomach is full. Then, you can stop e­ating! This stops you from overeating and gaining weight.

Chewing food also use­s up calories, even if it's just a fe­w. Don't mistake this for exercise­ but remember: e­very little counts. Calorie burn ge­ts a tiny boost if you chew more delibe­rately. Day by day, these small incre­ments can accumulate.

1.    Pause be­tween Bites: Promote­ the habit of pauses while e­ating. Taking a moment to place your fork down during meals e­ncourages mindful chewing and enhance­s taste appreciation.

2.    Chew Care­fully: While there’s no pre­cise chew-count for each morse­l, being aware of this act is bene­ficial. Aim to chew betwee­n 20 and 30 times per mouthful and adapt as nee­ded considering your comfort and the food.

3.    Enjoy Your Food: Eating's not just for kee­ping you are going; it's about savoring the journey too. Spend time­ noticing your food's flavor and feel. It'll increase­ your joy in eating and aid your weight reduction aims.   


We live­ in a world full of trendy diets and hard-to-follow weight loss plans. But the­re's something easy we­ often forget mindful chewing! This simple­ habit can lead to not just a lighter body, but also a bette­r life. By really taking your time to che­w your food, you might lose weight. Plus, you can enjoy your me­als more. When you're about to e­at, don't forget to chew more for le­ss weight.

Click Here to Learn More about Vegan food for weight loss.

Saturday, November 11, 2023



Vanilla, without eggs and animal fats, healthy! Vegan oat milk pancakes can be made in minutes. As a result, we get an amazing breakfast for all family members. They can be served with any sweet or savory sauce.


Composition/ Ingredients

1.    Oat milk with any flavor …  500ml

2.    Wheat flour ……………………  250 gm

3.    Sugar …………………………….    60 gm

4.    Vegetable Oil ………………….  2 tbs

5.    Apple Vinegar ………………...   1 tbs

6.    Baking Soda…………………...    1 gm

Nutrient and energy value of the recipe in 100 gm serving:

1.       Proteins: 5 gm

2.       Fats: 12 gm

3.       Carbohydrates: 29 gms

4.       211 KCALF



Cooking time: 1 hr. 20 minutes

Step 1:

How to make vegan pancakes??? Prepare the necessary ingredients. Oat milk should be at room temperature, so remove it from the refrigerator in advance. You can use oat milk in different flavors - vanilla, chocolate, whatever you like best. I took vanilla and enhanced its taste and aroma with a small amount of vanillin. Be sure to shake the milk well before measuring. Use premium flour.

Step 2:

Shift all the flour into a deep bowl. It is important to sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen. The baked goods will turn out airy and will rise well during baking.

Step 3:

Add sugar, vanilla and soda and mix everything with a whisk. Vanillin can be replaced with 1 tsp . vanilla sugar.

Step 4:

Pour in oat milk at room temperature and mix into a semi-viscous dough. Pour vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar into the dough and mix again. Let the dough stand for about 10 minutes.

Step 5:

Mix the dough again. If it turns out too viscous, pour in a little more oat milk, but do not overdo it as the pancakes will tear if the dough is too liquid. 

Step 6:

Heat a little vegetable oil in a non-stick, thick-bottomed frying pan. Pour some batter and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. It is impossible to make very thin pancakes from oat milk – the consistency and density of the dough from another dough is different If the first two pancakes tear, it means you need to either add a little more batter or change the pan.

Step 7:

Place the finished pancakes with vegan milk on a plate and serve.