Saturday, November 11, 2023



Vanilla, without eggs and animal fats, healthy! Vegan oat milk pancakes can be made in minutes. As a result, we get an amazing breakfast for all family members. They can be served with any sweet or savory sauce.


Composition/ Ingredients

1.    Oat milk with any flavor …  500ml

2.    Wheat flour ……………………  250 gm

3.    Sugar …………………………….    60 gm

4.    Vegetable Oil ………………….  2 tbs

5.    Apple Vinegar ………………...   1 tbs

6.    Baking Soda…………………...    1 gm

Nutrient and energy value of the recipe in 100 gm serving:

1.       Proteins: 5 gm

2.       Fats: 12 gm

3.       Carbohydrates: 29 gms

4.       211 KCALF



Cooking time: 1 hr. 20 minutes

Step 1:

How to make vegan pancakes??? Prepare the necessary ingredients. Oat milk should be at room temperature, so remove it from the refrigerator in advance. You can use oat milk in different flavors - vanilla, chocolate, whatever you like best. I took vanilla and enhanced its taste and aroma with a small amount of vanillin. Be sure to shake the milk well before measuring. Use premium flour.

Step 2:

Shift all the flour into a deep bowl. It is important to sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen. The baked goods will turn out airy and will rise well during baking.

Step 3:

Add sugar, vanilla and soda and mix everything with a whisk. Vanillin can be replaced with 1 tsp . vanilla sugar.

Step 4:

Pour in oat milk at room temperature and mix into a semi-viscous dough. Pour vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar into the dough and mix again. Let the dough stand for about 10 minutes.

Step 5:

Mix the dough again. If it turns out too viscous, pour in a little more oat milk, but do not overdo it as the pancakes will tear if the dough is too liquid. 

Step 6:

Heat a little vegetable oil in a non-stick, thick-bottomed frying pan. Pour some batter and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. It is impossible to make very thin pancakes from oat milk – the consistency and density of the dough from another dough is different If the first two pancakes tear, it means you need to either add a little more batter or change the pan.

Step 7:

Place the finished pancakes with vegan milk on a plate and serve.


Sunday, May 9, 2021



There are seven myths and one reality.

“I'm going to lose 10 pounds in a month!”

“5 weight-loss tips!” exclaims the author.

“Shed pounds quickly!”

On the road to lose weight, we're bombarded with ads for weight loss plans, tricks, and goods, and it's easy to lose track of what's true and what's not.

Weight loss myths

At Northwestern Medicine, Elizabeth A. Lowden, MD, is a bariatric endocrinologist. She debunks seven common weight-loss myths.

Myth No. 1: Once you start, you'll lose weight indefinitely.

“People believe that weight loss should be a linear process because they believe they can lose weight if they eat more calories than they consume,” says Dr. Lowden. “There are too many other variables to consider.”


Rate of Metabolic Change

At rest, the metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns. It varies depending on a number of factors when you lose weight. Some things are unchangeable, such as your height, gender at birth, and age. Others, such as muscle mass, you can control.

If you have more muscle in your body, you consume more calories. If you lose weight without doing any strength training, your metabolic rate will slowly drop as your muscle mass decreases. Your weight will plateau when you begin to burn calories more slowly.

Your body can also adjust to the number of calories you feed it. Adaptive thermogenesis is the term for this concept.

Dr. Lowden suggests imagining the metabolism as a furnace. “If you don't feed the furnace, the flames will die out, which will lower the metabolic rate.”

Your initial weight loss would be water weight when you start a weight loss program by improving your diet and exercising more. If you increase your activity level and decrease your calorie intake, your weight will eventually remain stable.

Hormonal changes

Women who have menstrual cycles are more likely to experience weight fluctuations.

“Weight loss for women can look like down, down, up, down, up; it won't be a steady loss,” says Dr. Lowden, citing hormonal changes that cause water retention.

Myth No. 2: Supplements can aid weight loss.

“There is literally nothing on the market or through a practitioner that can improve your metabolism,” Dr. Lowden says.

Some supplements help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, but nothing will alter your metabolism.

According to Dr. Lowden, several supplements labeled as "fat burners" contain caffeine, chemicals, and herbs that can be harmful. “These ingredients can have a detrimental impact on the cardiovascular system.”

Myth #3: Obesity is not inherited.

Prader-Willi Syndrome, for example, is a hereditary syndrome that causes obesity in certain individuals.

Others have genes that can be switched on or off based on their surroundings, which can contribute to obesity.

According to Dr. Lowden, “certain genes influence how the body absorbs sugars, carbohydrates, and fats.” “Some individuals are more likely to be overweight as a result of lifestyle decisions that can influence these genes.”

If this describes you, there is good news: you can change it.

“It's not the end of the world if these are the cards you've been dealt,” Dr. Lowden says. “All you have to do now is be more conscious of your diet and activity level.”

Also read:

Wine before bed can help you to lose weight.

Lose Weight: These 8 foods to avoid

Myth #4: It's possible to be "healthy-fat."

“There is no such thing as ‘healthy-fat,'” says Dr. Lowden, “because the extra weight may have health effects that we can't quantify with our current science.”

There's also the myth that people who are smaller are healthier. Weight is just one of many health indicators, but this isn't necessarily the case. Many people who are within a safe weight range have unhealthy habits such as smoking and bad eating habits.

Weight and body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of weight to height, aren't good indicators of health since they don't take into account visceral fat, which covers the organs and may lead to insulin resistance and cardiovascular problems.

“BMI can give us a false sense of who has weight problems and who doesn't,” Dr. Lowden says. “If you look at LeBron James' BMI, he's technically overweight. We know he's okay because he's a professional basketball player.”

BMI does not have a complete image of a person's health. It's just one metric. Your health habits, regardless of weight or BMI, may put you at risk for a variety of health problems.

Myth #5: Fad diets are successful.

Dr. Lowden claims that fad diets don't work because they're usually unsustainable in the long run. “Significantly lowering calories and eliminating whole food classes leads to short-term success, but lifestyle improvement leads to long-term weight loss.”

Yo-yo dieting, which has been linked to a rise in morbidity, is made more likely by fad diets.

“You lose muscle mass when you lose weight quickly on a fad diet. The weight returns as fat rather than muscle, making it more difficult to lose weight again.”

Fad diets psychologically detach you from your own satiety cues.

“Our bodies have the ability to tell us what we need,” says Dr. Lowden, “but we stop listening when we're very young.”

Myth # 6: It doesn't matter what you eat as long as you work out more.

You will lose weight if you burn 500 calories more than you consume.

500 calories can be burned by walking or running five miles or participating in a one-hour high-intensity spinning class.

It's easier to achieve this 500-calorie deficit by making minor improvements to your caloric intake during the day. Maybe you don't put cheese on your salad or don't eat breakfast with a side of toast.

You'll have a tougher time losing weight if you use exercise to justify overeating. A poor diet is impossible to avoid.

Myth #7: You can consume as much nutritious food as you want.

It doesn't matter how nutritious the food is if you consume too much of it.

It's vital to eat a safe, nutritious diet, but even the healthiest foods, such as vegetables, can be overdone.

Dr. Lowden says, “I have patients who complain about not losing weight on a safe and balanced diet.” “We normally figure out that they're only eating too much clean, nutritious food and adjust their portions accordingly.”

Fact: There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet.

“Losing weight and holding it off is a way of life,” Dr. Lowden says.

It will take trial and error to find a weight loss plan that works for you, as well as understanding the facts of what happens in your body when you lose weight.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Wine before bed can help you lose weight

Is it possible to lose weight by consuming alcohol? Anyone wishing to lose weight should avoid various foods. Some meal plans require cutting out carbohydrates, others cutting out fat, but alcohol is generally strictly prohibited in any weight loss strategy.

Those who find it difficult to give up alcoholic beverages can now relax a little. Because drinking alcohol doesn't always interfere with weight loss. On the contrary! But choosing the right drink is very important. According to new research, wine even helps with weight loss.

Drinking two glasses of red wine before bed can help you lose weight, according to two studies from Washington State University and Harvard Medical School. 

Lose weight by drinking Coffee.

Yes, you read that right! Most wine drinkers know that moderate consumption can stimulate blood circulation and should reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Therefore, wise consumption of wine has a rightful place in a balanced lifestyle. Red wine is considered superior to white wine in terms of antioxidants. However, two new studies support the positive effects of red wine on weight loss.

The first study looked at the appetite-suppressing polyphenol resveratrol, found in most fruits. Resveratrol converts fat in the body into fat cells, which burn calories instead of storing them while suppressing appetite. This phenomenon was identified by Ming Du, professor at the Department of Animal Science at Washington State University, after adding 0.1% resveratrol to the food of laboratory mice. According to Ming Fu, “Fruits contains polyphenols which help to oxidize dietary fats so that the body is not overloaded. They turn white fats into beige fats that can burn fat and help the body prevent obesity and metabolic disorders. ” White fat cells however serve as energy stores and are difficult to remove, while brown and beige fat tissue can burn faster and more easily.

My recommended program for weight loss by which I got amazing results. Click here

The finding, supported by a second Harvard Medical School study of nearly 20,000 women, showed that those who drank two glasses of wine a day were 70% less overweight. Due to the properties of resveratrol, suppressing appetite, drinking wine in the evening is most effective against the appearance of an evening hunger, prompting us to eat before bed.

True, before we happily uncork a bottle of wine with you, we are obliged to write about the negative consequences of this method of losing weight. The same scientists, without denying the benefits of the drink for the figure, clarify that excessive amounts of alcohol have a detrimental effect on the health and beauty of your body. So, in some cases, the harm from wine may exceed its benefit.

That is, you should not give up wine while loosing weight! But limit yourself to 2 glasses!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Lose Weight: These 8 Foods To Avoid

The choice of food has a great influence on personal bodyweight - this can be positive or negative. The consumption of certain foods - especially ready-made products - can quickly promote weight gain. We have put together eight foods that you should avoid while dieting.

1. White bread

In order not to negatively affect weight loss success, certain foods should be removed from the daily menu. This includes white bread: In contrast to the whole grain variant, the white flour contains less fiber, which is why the starch is broken down more quickly in the digestive tract and the sugar is immediately transferred into the blood.

Although this provides energy quickly, it also leads to fluctuating blood sugar levels and a more quickly recurring feeling of hunger.

In addition, many white pieces of bread from the supermarket contain a high proportion of added sugar, which means that "hidden" extra calories are absorbed. Seen from this point of view, white bread rightly has its reputation as " fattening food " 


White bread is made from refined flour, contains less fiber than wholemeal flour, and thus causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly. Since this drops just as rapidly, it leads to food cravings.


2. Fried food

Boiled potatoes are extremely healthy: they are low in calories, high-quality protein, and complex carbohydrates that lead to long-lasting satiety. However, if the tubers are prepared with a lot of fat, for example, fried, the health-promoting effect is gone!

Because of their high-fat content, French fries and chips provide loads of calories and, to make matters worse, they are usually eaten in large quantities. In long-term studies, lovers of the fried products showed a higher affinity for obesity than was the case with people who rarely enjoyed french fries and chips.


French fries and chips are not healthy and very high in fat, which is why they should be avoided when losing weight. Better to use whole, boiled potatoes!

3. Fruit juice drink

A fruit juice drink in the morning provides vitamins, minerals and energy for the day - this is widely believed.

However, the fact is that fruit juice drinks from the supermarket usually have little in common with the actual fruit: They are heavily processed and possibly packed full of sugar. The sugar content of the juices can often be equated with that of a lemonade.

Unlike a whole piece of fruit, fruit juice drinks contain less fiber and make chewing superfluous. Both factors do not lead to long-term satiety and thus promote quick hunger.

In addition, a much larger amount of the drink can be consumed in a shorter time than would be the case, for example, with a whole piece of fruit. The result is an increased calorie intake and should actually be avoided when losing weight.


Fruit juice drinks can be high in calories, low in fiber, and contain added sugar. If you don't want to go without fruit while losing weight, you should eat the fruit whole.

4. latch

Small but great in calorie content - that applies to the sweet barsThanks to their handy shape, they quickly disappear into a jacket or handbag and are quickly eaten in between. But when you enjoy the bars, you hardly get any valuable nutrients, but you absorb a lot of calories: Even a small bar can contain up to 300 kilocalories!

Added to this are added sugar, fat and, with some bars, refined flour - not a good combination for those who want to lose weight. 

If you suddenly get hungry, graduate psychologist Prof. Dr. Westenhöfer: "If you want to eat something between main meals, it is best to use a piece of fruit, a low-fat yogurt or raw vegetables." These do not let the blood sugar level rise too quickly and fill you up longer than the small bars.


Most bars in the supermarket are made from unhealthy ingredients like sugar, fat, and refined flour. They provide loads of calories, but no valuable nutrients, so they don't last long.

5. Pastries

Cookies, cakes, and the like are an indispensable part of a coffee party. But for those who would like to lose a few pounds, these delicacies are taboo: Added sugar and refined flour are usually among the main ingredients - as are artificial trans fatty acids.

These have a negative impact on health, for example, they increase the "bad" LDL cholesterol in the blood, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. The high-calorie delicacies do not contain any ingredients that contribute to long-lasting satiety. If they are eaten, a feeling of great hunger reappears shortly afterward.


Cookies, cakes, and the like often contain a load of added sugar, refined flour, and in some cases also artificial trans fatty acids. Those who want to lose weight should avoid these foods.

The consistency: creamy, the taste: great, the calorie balance: devastating! Anyone who uses conventional ice cream from the supermarket is opting for a real sugar bomb. If you feel like having creamy ice cream, you should definitely try this alternative: the low-fat quark ice cream!

It is fruity, low in fat, high in protein, and can be prepared with the favorite fruits of the season. When preparing it, it is only important to use frozen fruit, because this is the only way to achieve an "icy" consistency. The low-fat quark ice cream can also be refined with a dash of honey, lemon juice, or aromatic basil.


Ice cream from the supermarket is a real sugar bomb! If you want to lose weight, you should avoid these foods and rather try the low-fat and protein-rich low-fat quark ice cream.

7. Soft drinks

They are advertised as soft drinks, but there are liquid calorie bombs behind the colorful packaging! Cola, lemonade, and the like are closely related to overweight and obesity.

If the soft drinks are drunk regularly and in large quantities, other health problems such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure can occur.


Sugary drinks have a negative effect on body weight and health and should be avoided if you are aiming for weight loss. Instead, opt for unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and (fruit infused) water.


8. Pizza

A crispy base, crunchy vegetables, and freshly grated cheese - anyone who makes their own pizza at home know what ingredients they have used. If, however, the ready-made pizza is bought in the supermarket, it usually contains refined flour, sugar, and highly processed meat. Those who want to lose weight should therefore do without the high-calorie ready-to-eat pizza.

Pizzas made from wholemeal flour or cauliflower are a good alternativeThey provide important nutrients, keep you full for a long time and lead to a stable blood sugar level.


Conventional pizzas from the supermarket usually contain refined flour, sugar and heavily processed meat. The Italo classic becomes healthier if it is prepared by yourself and wholemeal flour or cauliflower is used as the base.

Knowledge to take away

White bread is made from refined flour, contains less fiber than wholemeal flour, and thus causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly. Since this drops just as rapidly, it leads to food cravings. Better to use whole wheat flour. 

French fries and chips are not healthy and very high in fat, which is why they should be avoided when losing weight. Better to use whole, boiled potatoes!

Fruit juice drinks can be high in calories, low in fiber and contain added sugar. If you don't want to go without fruit while losing weight, you should eat the fruit whole. Most bars in the supermarket are made from unhealthy ingredients like sugar, fat, and refined flour. They provide loads of calories, but no valuable nutrients, so they don't last long.

Cookies, cakes and co . often contain a load of added sugar, refined flour and, in some cases, harmful trans fatty acids. They are high in calories but have little nutritional value for humans. Those who want to lose weight should avoid these foods. Ice cream from the supermarket is a real sugar bomb! If you want to lose weight, you should avoid it and rather try the low-fat and protein-rich low-fat quark ice cream.

Sugary drinks have a negative impact on body weight and health. Lemonades, cola and co. Should be avoided if you are aiming for weight loss. Instead, opt for unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and (fruit infused) water.

Conventional pizzas from the supermarket usually contain refined flour, sugar and heavily processed meat. The Italo classic becomes healthier if it is prepared by yourself and wholemeal flour or cauliflower is used as the base. 

If you don't want to do without coffee, it is best to drink it black or with a little milk. Large chain coffee specialties are real calorie bombs and have the same amount of calories as an entire main meal.